I’m not mad; I’m disappointed.

The power structure I thought was strong in Georgia is more just a house of cards.
I’ve watched a Mayor postpone her shelter in place order in deference to the weak kneed resolutions of a Governor who had the cover of the Speaker of the Georgia House behind his back.
I’ve watched a quarantined Lieutenant Governor in a golf shirt give a press conference and expect us to respect him.
I’ve watched rooms full of legislators of various geography and political persuasions come together while being exposed to a vaccine-less silent virus to empower the Governor to lead boldly….and then he just couldn’t do it.
I have never seen a group of educated and powerful men look so incredibly impotent and out of touch.
Blessedly for them, most folks are too busy helping one another to pay attention.

I have watched neighbors come together to provide groceries, pick up prescriptions, and run errands for seniors in their midst. I have never felt so sure of the power of the people and grassroots leadership as what I’m seeing now. Across our state, mayors and city councilors are gathering to declare states of emergency and (as led by their citizens), shutting their cities down.
As we sit at the metaphorical table, leaders across our states are reading faces and their cards. The political repercussions are awfully small when one considers the gains of living to deal another hand.
Mayor Bottoms has demonstrated she doesn’t fold in many trying situations. One may remember the hacking of the city’s computer system, the contributions she returned from PRAD, her willingness to defy the President in closing the ICE detainee detention center, her willingness to stand by VP Biden in the midst of scandal, and now she has a pandemic…all in three short years.
I didn’t vote for Keisha, but I can say I’m proud to have her as a Mayor. I’ll gamble on her any day.
Other mayors are following suit. A total of 538 mayors in Georgia to be exact are supporting this model ordinance language. When the counting comes, I’m betting she’s in spades. Mayor Bottoms seems to have a better ability to read faces and aces with a sure footedness that the Governor now lacks. I’d say that’s pretty impressive; considering she walks in heels.
You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run
You never count your money
When you’re sittin’ at the table
There’ll be time enough for countin’
When the dealin’s done
Every gambler knows
That the secret to survivin’
Is knowin’ what to throw away
And knowin’ what to keep
‘Cause every hand’s a winner
And every hand’s a loser
And the best that you can hope for is to die
in your sleep