Southern Indeed: we may differ, but we are all Southern, indeed.
The focus of Southern Indeed is state and local politics, some in Georgia, but also from friends in other corners of the Southeast. It may from time to time cover federal issues as well.
All submissions stand on their own- both in content and grammar. There is no editorial oversight here, nor is one desired from us. While political endorsements may occur, they are expressed as personal endorsements of the writers, not on behalf of Southern Indeed as a whole. The contributors have been intentionally invited to be as diverse as the southeast is, yet all are Southern by residency. So often the South is characterized in one way or another, when in fact it is dynamic and comprehensive. It is our hope you see that in our posts. Additionally, while Southern Indeed is managed by politicos, posts are written with no receipt of payment or compensation; no advertisements or intent of advancing any paid agenda. These are personal opinions and areas of expertise espoused by our contributors. In short, we are not paid pens.
Finally, the writers are as different and diverging as Atlanta is to Lafayette, yet this richness makes the discussions more lively, the policy analysis more intense, yet the civility of Southerners prevails throughout our discussions and hopefully our comments. It is our hope to demonstrate that policy can be discussed without getting personal and that this may be a place to foster thoughts on what next policies will move the southeast forward.
C’mon in! Stay a while- the water’s warm and the hospitality is Southern, indeed.